Gender Lens Investment Summit

2021 Program


View our 2021 program below that included dynamic and thought-provoking sessions and discussions.

9:00 – 9:10 MC Welcome and Intro
Manita Ray – Director, Capital Human
9:10 – 9:15 Acknowledgement of Country
Carol Vale, Dunghutti Woman, Managing Director, Murawin and Game Enough
9:15 – 9:20 Global Provocations & Perspectives
Suzanne Biegel – CEO, Catalyst at Large and Co-founder, GenderSmart Investing (UK)
9:22 – 10:20 Plenary Fireside Chat
Intentionality: A dynamic conversation with Australian-based, international leaders pioneering the advancement of gender equality
Moderated by:
Catherine Fox – Journalist, author and advisor on gender equality.
Julie Reilly – CEO, Australians Investing In Women;
Giles Gunesekera – CEO, Global Impact Initiative;
Kimberly Gire – Founder, Global Women Leaders Strategic Philanthropy and Chair, Board of Trustees, Centre for Global Equity (UK)
10:22 – 10:25 Morning Wrap-up
10:25 – 10:30 Lightning Talk
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Tea 
11:00 – 11:05 Global Provocations & Perspectives
Rebecca Fries – CEO, Value 4 Women (USA)
11:05 – 11:45 Plenary Panel
State of the field: Taking the pulse, overcoming barriers and identifying opportunity
Sally McCutchan – CEO, Impact Investing Australia (moderator);
Mary Delahunty – Head of Impact, HESTA;
Julia Newton-Howes – CEO, Investing in Women;
Jeremy Cleaver – EMIIF Investment Committee;

11:50 – 11:55 Panel Wrap-up
12:00 – 12:45 Plenary Panel
Opportunity collides: Maximising impact and returns at the intersection of gender, climate action and Covid19 recovery
Richard Brandweiner Chief Executive Officer (Australia), Pendal Group (moderator);
Manita Ray – Director, Capital Human;
Ruth Lawrence – Senior Executive, KPMG Impact;
Christine Madden – Vice President for Institutional Advancement , Criterion Institute

12:45 – 12:50 Lightning Talk
12:50 – 12:52 Talk & Panel Wrap-up
12:52 – 1:45 Lunch
1:45 – 3:00 Insight Circle – Innovation: Lessons from the Pacific’s pioneering commercial investment and other measures to drive the next frontier
Angus Kathage, Assistant Director, Private Finance for Development, DFAT (moderator);
Milissa Day – Representative (Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, FSM, Palau and RMI), IFC;
Cameron Neil – Co-founder and Director, Red Hat Impact;
Leata Alaimoana-Roberts, Impact Investment Manager, Pacific Trade Invest
1:45 – 3:00 Insight Circle – Gender lens investing in public markets: Risk and returns
Kate Temby – Partner, Affirmative Investment Management (moderator);
Tim Macready – CIO, Brightlight Impact;
Jacqui Fox – General Manager, Capital Markets, NAB;
Julia Bailey – Gender Specialist, Melior Investment;

1:45 – 3:00 Insight Circle – Investing beyond the low hanging fruit: New frontiers in gender lens strategy to diversify, build and measure real impact
Rachel Etherington – Sustainable Investment Adviser, Crestone Wealth Management (moderator);
Millie O’Brien – Investment Adviser, Evans & Partners (investor with Scale Investors);
Shabnam Hameed – Operations Officer, Gender, IFC;
Carol Vale – Managing Director, Murawin/Game Enough

1:45 – 3:00 Insight Circle – Instrument and measurement pioneering: What’s new, what’s working and what’s needed
Maud Savary-Mornet – Senior Advisor for South East Asia, Global Impact Investing Network GIIN;
Kristy Graham – Director, Private Finance for Development, DFAT (conversation lead);
Simba Marekera – Executive Director & Head of Solutions, Brightlight;
Rebecca Thomas – Executive Director, Impact Investing, Social Ventures Australia
3:00 – 3:30 Afternoon Tea
3:30 – 3:35 Global Provocations & Perspectives
Joy Anderson – Founder and President, Criterion Institute
3:35 – 3:37 Afternoon intro
3:37 – 3:42 Lightning Talk
Women are not hiding – they’re just not where you’re looking
Nicole Denholder – CEO & Founder, Next Chapter Raise (Hong Kong)
3:45 – 4:45 Plenary Panel
Scaling gender lens capital: Collaboration as key
Rosemary Addis – Impact Strategist (moderator);
Christina Hobbs – CEO and Co-founder, Verve Super;
Shuyin Tang – Partner, Patamar Capital;
Suzanne Biegel – CEO, Catalyst at Large

4:45 – 5:00 Wrap-up and Plenary Closing Remarks

Note: Program is subject to change