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6 Funds – Credentials

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100 investors – you are invited to apply!

Apply to join this unique investor gathering convened by Impact Investment Summit Asia Pacific team. The very first ImpactConnect Day showcasing multiple impact investment vehicles for sophisticated investors. An array of diverse investments presented by six leading impact investment funds who will pitch their stories with purpose and passion. This is the perfect forum for investors focused on values-based investment goals across a range of social and environmental points of focus and investment returns. Opportunities offered for the first time to 100+ invited and qualified investors.



Who will attend ?

  • Qualified investors including private wealth, family offices, foundations, and fund managers, who have the propensity to shift their capital for impact.

  • There is no fee to attend ImpactConnect.


What you will gain?

  • Options, choices and opportunities to apply and invest for measurable impact – for social and environmental in addition to financial returns. For the good of people and the planet.

  • Meet and exchange ideas with leading fund managers who are generating returns and creating impact.

  • Valuable networking, connections and conversations.